Woodbury C of E Primary School

The School Day

The School Day

8.45 am

School gates open and children begin to arrive.  The children go directly into class where they sort out their belongings and undertake an ‘early bird’ activity.

8.55 am


9.00 am

Teaching session 1


FS and KS1 (Years 1&2)


10.30 am

Break time


10.45 am


Teaching session 2

12.00 noon

Lunch time


12.15 pm


Lunch time

12.30 pm

Break time


12.45 pm


Break time

1.00 pm


Teaching session 3


1.15 pm



Teaching session 3

3.10 pm

School gates are opened

3.15 pm

School day finishes and children are released to their parents or carers.  Some children attend extra-curricular clubs or After School Club.

3.30 pm

School gates are locked

The children need to be settled in class and ready to learn by 8.55am.  We encourage the children to be independent in the morning, saying goodbye to the person they came to school with outside of the classroom.  The teachers and learning assistants are available to take short messages between 8.45-8.55am and are always happy to make an appointment to meet for longer at another time.  The register is taken promptly and active teaching begins at 9.00 in every class.

In general, Maths and English lessons tend to be taught in the morning sessions, although the timetabling of the day is flexible to meet the needs of the curriculum.  It is not uncommon for a science experiment to span a day, art work being created in the morning so as to have sufficient time to dry or cooking to take place before morning break!

Collective worship takes place every day, either in the morning or afternoon. These are special times when the whole school, key stages or classes come together for a time of worship and reflection.  

Break times are staggered to enable the children to make the best use of the playground areas.  We like the children to spend their break times outside and expect them to have a coat or sun hat in school, depending upon the season.  Where the weather prohibits outdoor breaks the children are supervised within their classrooms, where they play and socialise. 

Lunch times are also staggered to ensure that the children have sufficient time to eat, minimum time waiting to be served and maximum time playing.