Woodbury C of E Primary School


We take pride in the way we present ourselves at Woodbury C of E Primary School and all pupils are expected to comply with our uniform requirements.

We believe that the wearing of a school uniform enables children to identify with their school, gives a sense of belonging, is practical and smart, reinforces a positive work ethic and reduces expenditure for parents. Please let us know if you have any difficulties providing appropriate uniform as we are more than willing to help out.

Our school uniform, with the school logo, is available from Proserve, a school uniform supplier based in Exmouth. The shop is open over the summer as normal, uniform can be tried on, and they have plenty of stock.

Please clearly name all items of clothing, including shoes, so that they can be returned if they are lost.

Our School Uniform is:

  • Bottle green jumper/ sweatshirt / cardigan

  • Grey trousers / shorts / pinafore / skirt. Please note that skirts and dresses should be no shorter than knee length

  • White polo shirt / white shirt / white blouse

  • Green and white checked gingham dress

  • White or grey socks

  • Sun hats and book bags

  • Black shoes, ankle boots or sensible sandals. Fashion shoes, knee high boots, shoes with a high heel, flip-flops or crocs are not permitted

  • A waterproof outdoor coat for playtimes and outdoor learning

  • Green or black head scarf (optional)


It is important for health and safety reasons that children have a change of clothing for PE and Games. The PE uniform is:

  • Trainers
  • A yellow T-shirt
  • Green shadow stripe shorts
  • Tracksuit trousers can be worn in cold weather for outdoor lessons
  • Draw-string PE bag to keep PE kit on the child’s peg

Please note that children are not permitted to wear make-up in school, including nail polish. If your child has long hair this should be tied up or worn with a hair band. Watches and stud earrings are the only items of jewellery which can be worn and these need to be removed for PE lessons. Elaborate hairstyles such as tracks or excessively short cuts are not permitted nor are styles which involve unnatural hair colouring.

 Further Information

Uniform Policy Woodbury C of E 

Uniform list September 

Proserve Website