Woodbury C of E Primary School

School Council

At Woodbury Primary School every child has the opportunity to apply for a place on our School Council each year. 

The applicants explain to their class why they think they would make a good school councillor and the class vote for their preferred candidate. Two children from each class (Year 2 and upwards) are elected to be members of the School Council.  The year 6 children are the School Council Leaders and they have greater responsibility for running the meetings and helping organise and implement decisions.   

The School Council aims to:

  • To find out pupils' views about school
  • To listen to and understand each others ideas
  • To help make our school a better place to be
  • To help raise money for chosen charities

School Council enables the ideas of the children to be heard and gives the children an active role in shaping projects to make their school a better place. Recently the School Council helped to appoint several teachers, chosen new playground markings and have helped raise funds for our school animals.

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