Special Educational Needs & Disability
Please see below for information regarding Inclusion and Special Education Needs and Disabilities.
Mrs Peacock is our Inclusion Lead can be contacted on 01395 232614
Cedar Tree Federation Inclusion Statement
The Cedar Tree Federation is committed to providing a high-quality education for all children. We believe that every child should be able to access a broad and balanced curriculum, which is inspiring and engaging and supports learning and development academically as well as socially and emotionally, enabling all children to thrive and reach their full potential.
Across the Cedar Tree Federation, our vision is to support and inspire our communities to “Live life in all its fullness”. We aim to create a happy, safe and secure environment within our schools, where everyone feels valued and respected and has a sense of belonging. We place inclusion at the heart of all that we do, ensuring equal opportunities for all regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, background, educational need or disability and we celebrate the strength that diversity can bring. The Cedar Tree Federation aims to foster the personal development of each child through our Core Values of Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Generosity, Trust and Respect. By building these values into all that we do within our schools, our hope is that every child will develop a greater awareness of themselves and others and will build strong foundations for the future.
We aim to create a happy, safe and secure environment within our schools, where everyone feels valued and respected and has a sense of belonging.
We recognise that some children have additional educational needs and will need support that is additional to and different from that which is normally available in a differentiated curriculum. We aim to identify pupils with additional needs as early and as thoroughly as possible, to ensure we can put appropriate support in place quickly. We also recognise that there are children in our Federation who are gifted and talented, who have English as an additional language or who receive pupil premium funding who may need additional support and provision to ensure they are fully included and reaching their potential. We are also aware that some children may experience trauma or stressful situations for example through illness, bereavement or family breakdowns and we strive to support children and families through these times, ensuring they are fully included in all school activities.
The Cedar Tree Federation offers an inclusive approach to teaching and learning. We have high expectations for all our children and take into account pupils’ varied life experiences and needs to ensure that all children are fully included in all aspects of school life. All staff share the responsibility to set appropriate levels of challenge for all pupils, whilst also removing any barriers to learning a child may have, so that they are able to access and enjoy a wide variety of learning experiences, and are able to make progress in their learning, interact positively with those around them and feel proud of their achievements. We believe that working in close partnership with parents is essential for building inclusion and developing life-long skills among our children.
Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Woodbury Primary School is an inclusive school. We have high expectations for all our children and provide the very best education we can for all, irrespective of their educational or medical needs.
Special Educational Needs and Disability(SEND) provision at Woodbury is flexible and varied in order that all our children have equal opportunities to access the full curriculum, with reasonable modification or support. This may take the form of adapting the learning environment, providing specific resources or a learning support assistant working with a child in class or for individual or small group intervention work.
We aim to work closely with parents to ensure the best provision for our children with SEN. We have an 'open door' policy so parents can share any concerns and regular meetings are held with the class teacher to review progress.
We also work with outside agencies and therapists to acquire extra support for children who have specific needs. As a staff we regularly undertake ongoing professional development to enable us to meet the needs of our children.
Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Alexa Gill
The Children and Families bill became enacted in 2014. This required Local Authorities and schools to publish and review services available for children and young people with SEN aged 0-25. This is the Local Offer and it provides a single point of access to clear and comprehensive information about services and provision that is available for children and young people who have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND). Please see the link below.
For more detail about how we support our children with SEN, please see the report below. Our policies for SEND as well as Disability and Equality are available on the policy page. Alternatively, Mrs Peacock would be very pleased to answer anything you would like to know about how we support children with SEND or any medical condition.
SEND Policies and Reports
SEND Information Report 2024-25
SEND Parent Information
Devon Parent Information Advice and Support for SEND
Send Support Information
Support with many areas of child health and SEND